If you always do the same thing you will always get the same results
I recently signed up for Misfits Market, a subscription service for “funny looking organic produce”. This weeks box of produce included some mangos and papaya, which is not a fruit I would normally buy. I am also not a fan of bananas, yet I’ve started adding a banana to my smoothies, not because I like them but because it’s a different fruit and sometimes to make a change we need to try something different.
Check out Misfits Market here. I was quite impressed with that first box. SO much food. Not so much money :) https://www.misfitsmarket.com/faq#1
In my last article, I talked about the pros and cons of an online generic workout program. I started this program not only to get an idea of how to help my clients, but also because I have been struggling with my own fitness goals lately. I have been doing the same type of workouts with the same nutrition focus for years.
Our brains and our bodies are stimulated by change and struggle. When we try something new and we ‘fail’, our brain looks for a way to succeed. In doing this we create new pathways so that we may learn. Change and challenge is good, in all aspects of life.
As a cheerleader, if we are always stretching the same way and never seeing results, we may need to change our focus. Flexibility sometimes requires strength and stability. If we are always doing high intensity exercises both in practice and in conditioning, we may need to tone it down and do more leisurely activities to really allow our body to experience something new. Both of these changes can help us to not only feel better but to also be stronger both on the mat and off.
I definitely don’t love the workouts I’m recently doing, but I can see the changes. I’m feeling my muscles in a different, and amazing way. I am struggling with fatigue quicker in a workout than usual. Sometimes I feel very uncoordinated. And I can tell that I am making changes by what I see in the mirror and how I move thru the day.
Whether it’s trying some new foods, moving in a different way, or trying a new hobby that you never thought you would like, if you want to see a change in your life in any way, you must change how you are doing things. You may fail or you may decide you don’t like something and you can always go back. However, I guarantee that by doing so you will see change. And if it’s not in the right direction, you can always change again.